Last night my friend and I had free tickets to go see Mary Poppins on Broadway.

We had a really good time despite the fact that the show was soooo long. To be truthful, we left at intermission because the first act was an hour and a half long and the second act appeared to be a re-cap of all the same songs! We had a good time though and that's all that matters! I have no idea how kids could sit through a show that long though.
Tomorrow is "Dining in the Dark" and I can't wait until it's over! I'm sure it will be a great night, but it's tiring and I'm ready to begin spending my time focusing on other things. I'm just going to continue looking forward to the weekend when I can concentrate on things other than work!
Have a good rest of the week.

Looks like another exceptional day had at Keeneland! I'd love to get down there before the end of the meet, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen...