I read someones blog who made lots of random confessions and it made me laugh...here goes:
I confess
I haven't washed my hair since Sunday. EEEWWW. At least I have a reason...I had some sort of hair treatment done and I can't wash it for 72 HOURS!
I confess
I took a nap today during my lunch break. Although there isn't anything too wrong with this because it is my lunch break and I can do as I please, BUT it makes me feel much older than 27!!! Guess I'll tell myself that I'm still on Hawaii time...how long can I use that excuse??
I confess
I haven't given my Dad his Father's Day gift yet. SIGH! I got a nice card weeks before Father's Day. We spent 18 hours on a plane (on the way home from Hawaii) on actual Father's Day. No excuse. I know...I suck.
I confess
I watch coverage on the Casey Anthony trial on HLN five nights a week. Have no fear...if I have to miss it...I have it recorded. Deep confession...some days I watch Vinny Polatino (spelling), Jane Valez Mitchell, Nancy Grace and Dr. Drew all in a row. That's right...four hours of trial discussion.
I confess
I don't really like my new car. AHHH! I will find out if Matt reads my blog based on this confession! Ha! I better get over it really quickly though. With that being said, if I ever get one of these, I promise to be perfectly happy!! (Just kidding...kind of.)
That's all the confessions I'm willing to discuss at this point, lol!
مشاهدة The Runaways 2019 كامل مترجم
5 years ago