Well...I had thought there may be a part two to Keeneland, but this darn RAIN is putting a serious damper on EVERYTHING! Matt and I got dressed, packed a cooler, stoped at the bank, picked up some Malibu and headed for Lexington on Saturday. Then it started POURING...no visibility, black skys, drivers pulled over, etc. So we decided to turn around and head home...BOO! Go figure, my friends who did make it to Lexington said it rained for a total of 20 minutes there. Oh well...even though it didn't rain it was definitely not a nice day :(
On with the weekend. Friday evening we participated in this Amazing Race Egg hunt thing...

If you can't tell...we were Charlies Angels and Matt was Charlie, ha! I think he was less than thrilled to be stuck on a team with three girls! Here are the "angels":

Melinda (center) had to wear an egg around her neck the whole time as part of the "race" and I love where it hung in this picture...LOL! Looks hilarious.
Here is Charlie and two of his angels working hard:

We had to answer riddles, check in, order two drinks at every establishment (ha), complete tasks at every stop and make it back to our original check-in in three hours. We were the SLOWEST TEAM. Literally we arrived about 45 minutes after everyone else did HA! Although, it wasn't our fault. CHARLIE lost his wallet so we back tracked to almost every stop and we NEVER FOUND IT :( So, we spent the evening cancelling credit cards, etc. Lesson learned for Charlie who fidgets with his wallet ALL THE TIME! Oh and it poured down rain through most of this (of course).
After our Keeneland plans were thwarted on Saturday, Matt and I went downtown to Paliminos for dinner and I ordered this:

A lavender martini...YUMMY! (Not good for the WW points though, ha!)
Sunday was Easter of course and we got to see these little guys:

Matt and I even got to hide the eggs for the kids...fun stuff!
All in all a good weekend. Hope yours was too!